
From legume-choice ilriwikis

Legume CHOICE tool

Master list of legume attributes

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Cropping systems - Improved fallow - Double cropping - Rotation - Intercropping - Alley/hedgerow - Relay - Monocropping

Agro-ecological attributes (that determine a. which legumes are chosen and b. in which cropping system they are grown) - Labour: Monocrop has more peak labour demands (all at once) - Soil erosion: if high, a creeping and soil covering legume might be prefered - Soil fertility: different legumes require different soil fertility levels (requirement); different legumes would be grown on different soil fertility plots (eg cash on fertile plots, fodder on infertile) - Personal/cultural preferences (not anywhere yet) - Market - Land size - Land tenure: if rented no investment in perennial legumes and long term soil improvement - Knowledge - Temperature - Rainfall, soil moisture: different legumes require different rainfall and soil moisture levels (requirements); different rainfall tolerances qualify for different cropping systems (eg cowpea for double cropping) - Availability (not anywhere yet) - Gender: women prefering fodder and fuel, men cash functions of legumes - Needs of intercrop (not anywhere yet): e.g. if a lot of bananas (which need high soil moisture), a soil covering legume might be prefered - Pest and disease pressure