Output 1
Activity 1.1 Assessing current contributions of legumes to rural livelihoods Baseline and Farm Charecterization training workshop Nairobi July 7-9, 2014 File:Program LegumeCHOICE - Farming characterization training.pdf File:List of Participants - Farming System Characterization Workshop_Final.xlsx File:Welcome Letter.docx
Tools developed and used in the project
Quick transect walk baseline survey tool File:Quick Survey Tool.docx File:Farm Characterization Survey tool final.docx Activity 1.2 Assessing current institutional environment within which smallholders operate
Activity 1.3 Identification of entry points for legume intensification and diversification, based on results from above activities and secondary information
Activity 1.4 A cross-site analysis of the lessons learnt through 1.1-1.3 will produce IPGs, for use within and beyond the Humidtropics Action Sites