LegumeCHOICE planning meeting January 26-28 2016, Nairobi, Kenya

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  • Take stock of progress so far
  • Planning for Year 3
  • Think about students and links with rest of project

Participants Irene Okeyo Maurice Shiluli Mulu London Jean Walangululu Isaac Balume Frank Rasche Carsten Marohn Mary Mutemi Alan Duncan Tamene Temesgen Tarirai Muoni Generose Nziguheba Ingrid Oborn (via skype) Eric Koomson (via skype) Birhanu Endalew (via skype)

ProgramGroup photo.jpg

File:LegumeCHOICE planning meeting 2016 - Program.docx

Day 1: overall progress

Meeting objective and project overview

File:Project outputs and indicators.pptx

Progress at sites

Kenya File:KenyaTeam_Jan2016_LC.pptx DRC File:Presentation legume choice janvier 2016.pptx File:MULU LONDON Kenya meeting presentation.pptx File:Progress on data Analysis from farm characteristic.pptx

Ethiopia http://legume-choice.wikispaces.com/file/view/Ethiopia%20site%20presentation%20Legume%20CHOICE%20Planning%20Meeting_2016%20compressed.pdf/572956243/Ethiopia%20site%20presentation%20Legume%20CHOICE%20Planning%20Meeting_2016%20compressed.pdf


File:PhD pres .ppt.ppt File:Tarirai legumeCHOICE.pptx File:Mary LC.pptx

Day 2: progress on indicators

File:Day 2 discussion.pptx File:OutPut progress indicators_Ethiopia.xlsx File:Project outputs and indicators_TeamDRC.pptx File:Kenya team_progress on indicators.pptx File:OutPut progress indicators_All.xlsx

Day 3: Action plans

File:Kenya_MajorActions details plus summary all other countries.xlsx File:DRC plan 2016-2017 legume CHOICE.xlsx File:OutPut progress indicators_All_Ethiopia.xlsx File:Checklist of upcoming activities per country.xlsx

File:Sites plans 2016-2017 legumeCHOICE.xlsx


File:Report 2016 planning meeting.docx

Calendar activities for remaining timeframe

File:Calendar and timelines 2016-2017 legumeCHOICE.xlsx